Showing posts with label God’s Utterance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s Utterance. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Almighty God's Word | God Himself, the Unique II (Part Two)


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God’s Righteous Disposition   Part Two

Although God’s Wrath Is Hidden and Unknown to Man, It Tolerates No Offense

God’s treatment of the whole of foolish and ignorant humanity is primarily based on mercy and tolerance. His wrath, on the other hand, is concealed in the vast majority of time and of things; it is unknown to man. As a result, it is difficult for man to see God display His wrath, and it is also difficult to understand His wrath. As such, man makes light of God’s wrath. When man faces God’s final work and step of tolerating and forgiving man—that is, when God’s final instance of mercy and His final warning reach them—if they still use the same methods to oppose God and do not make any effort to repent, mend their ways or accept His mercy, God will no longer bestow His tolerance and patience upon them. To the contrary, it is at this time that God will retract His mercy. Following this, He will only send forth His wrath. He can express His wrath in different ways, just as He can use different methods to punish and destroy people.